Using Project based Learning for B.Ed Students: A Detailed Report for Study of Uttarakhand’s Cultural Heritage in Relation to Society
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Published on: Jun 30, 2023
DOI: CIJE202382802
Dr Reena Uniyal Tiwari
Associate Professor Department of Teacher Education D.A.V PG , Dehradun, UK, Mobile-9413382277
Project based learning is a teaching method in which students learn by actively engaging in real world problems. It is an interactive and dynamic approach for teaching and learning that places students/learners at the heart of inquiry process that are connected to real world problems and challenges. B.Ed. students are doing various projects in their two year B.Ed. course. As a teacher educator, we need to incorporate PBL in our teaching approach. So this is an attempt to teach the course related to theme culture and society as well as EPC work related to culture, through PBL mode. While designing the course to be taught in PBL mode, new challenges and learnings were faced. Improvements in the action plan strategy and evaluation rubrics etc. have been tried, but there is much more to be done. This paper presents a project report outline of teaching the theme- culture and society through a 100% PBL approach.