Volume 3/1 (January – March 2018)


International Referred Journal of Education


Prof. A. P. Sharma

Chakoli Educational & Social Development Society Dholpur (Rajasthan) 328001


Prof. O.S. Dewal Prof. Arvind Pandey Prof. A.P. Sharma Dr. D.P. Singh Dr. Vijay Grover


Dr. Alpana Sharma Mrs. Nicole Sharma (USA) Dr.Avinash Parashar (Canada) Dr. Anil Paliwal
  Dr. SadhanaTyagi Dr. Jai Dayal Singh Dr.  Jitendra Lodha


DATE OF  PUBLICATION January – March 2018 EDITION Year – 3, Volume – 1


Chakoli Educational & Social Development Society, Dholpur (Rajasthan), India Pin – 328001

Email – chakolisociety@yahoo.in, ap_sharma 2010@yahoo.in, Website-www.echetana.com

Chetana Education International/January-March 2018, Year-3,  Volume-1
Sl. No. Author Article/Research Paper (Click here)
 1  Ms. Rajani Upadhyay Role of ICT in Quality Education
2  Miss. Amrutajyoti Mohanty Multilingual Education: An Innovative Strategy to Achieve UEE in Odisha
3  Dr. (Mrs.) Alpana Sharma Dynamics of Legal Education
4  Dr. Deepa Variyani Digital Learning–Future of Education System
5  Dr. Vemula Thrimoorthulu Philosophical Views of Sankhya Darshan in Education
6  Dr. Sunil Kumar Continuing with In-service teachers professional development – A Need of the hour
7  Dr. Narendrakumar S. Pal Comparison Between E.Q. And I.Q.
8  Dr. Chitra Jitendra Singh Importance of Internet in Education at Schools
9  Ms. Himanshu Bhushan Jena Peace Education at Elementary Level: Need of the Hour
10  Mr. Anurag Sharma Emotional Intelligence – A Road Map to Success
11  Dr. Girdhari Lal Sharma A Growing Mental Stress among Students: Diagnosis and Remedies
12  Mr. Tej Singh Rajpal Mental Health Issues and Challenges in India
13  डा. ओमप्रकाश महला व नीतु महिलाओं मे शिक्षा एवं अनुभव की कमी पंचायती राज की समस्याएं
14  डॉ. वन्दना तिवारी भारत में ग्रामीण विकास एवं ग्रामीण विकास का गांधीयन प्रतिमान
15  डा. हेमन्त मंगल व बंशीधर झाझड़िया पर्यावरण प्रबंधन और नियोजन
16  डॉ. ऋषिपाल सिंह व डॉ. सोनिया पँवार भारतीय शिक्षा : एक परिदृश्य
17  प्रो. विजय लक्ष्मी शर्मा व संतोष नरूका सोशल मीडिया का अकादमिक महाविद्यालय में पढ़ने वाले विद्यार्थियों के नैतिक व सामाजिक मूल्यों पर पड़ने वाले प्रभाव का अध्ययन
18  डॉ. वन्दना तिवारी प्रसाद की दार्शनिक चेतना एवं विविध प्रभाव
 19  Dr. Yatendra Pal Mental Strain of Graduate Teacher Trainees
20  Ms. Jaswant Kaur Value Patterns of Secondary School Teachers in Relation to their Gender and Locality
21  Mr. Jagdish Singh Study of Adolescents’ Adjustment in Relation to their Social Maturity
22  Dr. Deepa Sharma A Study of Values and Attitude towards Energy Education
23  Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Early Childhood Care Education in Kandaghat Block of District Solan of Himachal Pradesh
24  Dr. Ashok Sewani An Analysis of Differences between Government and Private Elementary Schools in Terms of Teacher Stress on Teacher Efficiency
25  Ms. Rashmi Jain Role of District Industrial Centres in the Industrial Development of districts
26 डॉ. धर्मपाल सिंह व श्योप्रकाश सामुदायिक रेडियो शिक्षण की संभावनाएं, कक्षा शिक्षण के पूरक के रूप में
27  देवेन्द्र कौर माध्यमिक स्तर के हिन्दी माध्यम तथा अंग्रेजी माध्यम विद्यार्थियों के आत्मसम्प्रत्यय, सामाजिक अभिक्षमता तथा समायोजन का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
28  डॉ. राजेश कुमार माध्यमिक स्तर पर सामान्य एवं दृष्टिबाधित विद्यार्थियों के पाठ्य सहगामी क्रियाओं में सहभागिता का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन
29  डॉ. बी.एल. श्रीमाली विद्यार्थियों में संस्कृत में भाषायी दक्षता, पठन एवं लेखन कौशल के विकास में क्रिया आधारित उपागम की प्रभावशीलता
30  छीतर मल खटीक उच्च माध्यमिक स्तर के विद्यार्थियों में जीवन कौषल शिक्षा के प्रति जागरूकता का अध्ययन
31  बलवान सिंह माध्यमिक स्तर के विद्यार्थियों के विद्यालय वातावरण का शैक्षिक निष्पति पर प्रभाव का अध्ययन
32  धर्मेन्द्र प्रारम्भिक स्तर पर अध्यापकों की व्यावसायिक प्रभावशीलता का अध्ययन
32 Deepak Kumar Sharma Hematological And Biochemical Alterations After Difethialone Intoxication in Rattus Rattus rufescens
33 डॉ. मनोज कुमार शर्मा शैक्षिक योग्यता के सन्दर्भ में विद्यालयीन अध्यापकों की कार्यशैली का अध्ययन


Chetana is now an international educational journal published by Pt. Chakoli Ram Educational and Social Development Society, Dholpur, Rajasthan.  Its first issue, named as CHETANA, was published in 2008-09. It accepted articles, containing any sort of educational issues relating to human life. However, looking to its popularity and a large number of reading clients, since 2016 onwards the journal has been promoted to an international level. Now the journal is known as “Chetana International Journal of Education” and would go on accepting articles from most contributors who highlight some kind of human issues and provide their probable solutions. If such contributions reach the editors at least one month before the publication of the journal they are likely to be accepted. Articles received later on and are worth publication, could be likely to be considered by the editorial board for the next issue. The editorial board has the sole right to accept or reject an article for publication. If an article is found unsuitable, it may be rejected and sent back to the author. The contributors, whose articles are accepted, will always be informed before its publication provided the authors’ addresses, emails, and phone numbers are provided to the editorial board.

All articles or research reports need to be typed in single space in English on 12 pts in Times New Roman font. Although no specific field of writing has been indicated by the editors, yet it is expected that most articles thus submitted should contain the themes relating to the field of education. However, articles relating to self-help or inspirational areas can also be published if found suitable. The contributors would need to pay some small amount of money through the specified bank, in India and abroad if their articles are selected for publication and if they agree for that. It is just needed to cover up various kinds of expenditure involved in publishing an online journal.

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