Using Concept Mapping to Improve Students’ Academic Achievement in Biology at Secondary Level

Dr. Sojia John
Assistant Professor, Mount Tabor Training College, Pathanapuram-689695, Kollam, Kerala, India .Email:
New efforts in teaching should be to help students learn ‘how to learn’ so that they have a better chance to grasp the major ideas in science disciplines and also to help them learn how knowledge is constructed ,partly to help them understand the nature of science. Concept Mapping is the process of categorical structuring of information in a graphic form that is concept maps. Concept mapping method involves the teaching with the help of concepts. The main aim of this study was to explore the effect of Concept mapping method on students’ academic achievement in Biology at secondary level. Pre-test Post-test control group design was used. Experimental group was taught through Concept mapping method and Control group was taught by the Activity Oriented Method. The findings of the study indicated that Concept mapping method is more effective than the Prevailing method. More over the students also expressed that Concept mapping method helped in the development of the abilities of comprehension, comparison, generalization and deduction.
