Perception of School Teachers’ towards Happiness Curriculum

Priyanka Singh
M.Ed. Scholar, School of Education, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, Mobile- 0000000000

Co-Author 1

Dr. Navita Malik
Assistant professor, School of Education, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, Mobile- 0000000000
Our new National Education Policy promotes young learners' emotional and social well-being. In today's world, when stress may quickly infiltrate one's life, it is critical to be prepared with all ways and tactics for dealing with stress and being joyful. Schools have frequently implemented life skill education to teach students in coping techniques throughout adversity. The Delhi government has implemented a happy curriculum at Delhi's directorate of education institutions. The emphasis is on play way methods combined with creative ways of expression. After extensively researching the curriculum, the author proposes the following ideas to enhance the happiness curriculum and provide stakeholders with the necessary skills and tactics in this area.
