Awareness of Human Rights among Teachers of Higher Secondary School of Rajasthan State

Ph.D Research Scholar (Education) Sabarmati University, Ahmadabad Email-, Mobile-9887543963

Co-Author 1

Dr. V.C. Yadav
Associate Professor Sabarmati University, Ahmadabad
We often talk about rights in our everyday life. As members of a democratic country, we talk about rights like voting, forming political parties and contesting elections. People are also making new demands for rights. Apart from the accepted civil and political rights, right to information, right to education, right to clean air, right to safe drinking water and right to health are also being claimed where we often claim various rights related to our political, public and society and rights related to life. The researcher has studied the awareness of human rights among teachers at higher secondary school levels in the context of Rajasthan. The sample was taken from the Jaipur district through the survey method. It was found that there is not much difference in the awareness of human rights among men and women teachers, because due to the impact of women's empowerment and compliance with government policies, the level of knowledge was found to be good among women.
