Volume – 7/3, July-September 2022

The Journal fulfills the UGC conditions listed in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Page 63, dated. July 18, 2018.” as per staff selection


International Refereed Journal of Education


Late Prof. A. P. Sharma

Chakoli Educational & Social Development Society Dholpur (Rajasthan) 328001


Prof. N. K. Ambasht

Former Chairman, National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), NOIDA


Prof. O.S. Dewal Prof. Arvind Pandey Prof. Neerja Shukla Dr. D. P. Singh Dr. Vijay Grover


Dr. Alpana Sharma Mrs. Nicole Sharma (USA) Dr. Avinash Parashar (Canada) Dr. Anil Paliwal
 Dr. Sadhana Tyagi Dr. Jai Dayal Singh Dr.  Jitendra Lodha Dr. Yatendra Pal
Dr. Ram Kumar Singh Dr. Ajay Krishan Tiwari Dr. Ranjeet Singh Budania Dr. Ashok Sewani


DATE OF  PUBLICATION July-September 2022 EDITION Year – 7,  Volume – 3


Chakoli Educational & Social Development Society, Dholpur (Rajasthan), India Pin – 328001

Email – chakolisociety@yahoo.in, echetana.com@gmail.com, Website-www.echetana.com

The Journal fulfills the UGC conditions listed in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Page 63, dated. July 18, 2018.” as per staff selection

Chetana Education International/July-September 2022, Year-7,  Volume-3
Sl. No. Author ARTICLE
Editorial डी पी सिंह ये जनता के धन की बर्बादी कब तक चलती रहेगी?
 667 Archana Rankawat To Be Here or There:  The Portrayal of In-betweenness in Divakaruni’s Arranged Marriage
 668 Jitendra Aryan Legacy of Dr. Ambedkar and Its Relevance for 21st Century India
 669 देवेंद्र कुमार चौबे सोशल मीडिया का साहित्य: उभरते मुद्दे,चुनौतियां एवं समाधान
 670 नीतू केन्द्र-राज्य सम्बन्धों की बदलती प्रवृतियाँ : कोरोना संकटकाल के विशेष संदर्भ में
671 विजेयता गौड विवाहित महिलाओं में तलाक के प्रति विचारधारा
672 विनीता चौधरी शिक्षा के विभिन्न स्तरों पर मूल्यपरक शिक्षा के क्रियान्वयन की आवश्यकता
673 Avdhesh Kumar Sharma A study of parents opinions in context of the effects of online teaching-learning on learning at Primary level in Jaipur
674 Gagan Kumar Pathak The Theme of Bipolar Conflict in the Plays of Percy Byshhe Shelley
675 Hari Singh A study of Job Satisfaction of Teachers working in Self- Finance Colleges of Education in Context of Gender, Age and Proactive Personality
676 Inderjeet Singh Bhatia A Comparative Study of Creativity and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students
677 Kamaljeet Kaur Bhatia Training and Development of Bank Employees – A Comparative Study of UBI and Axis Bank
678 Manju Shivran Feministic Theories and Gender Inequality in Literature
679 Manoj Kumar A Study of Perspective of Moral Education in Socio-Economic Status
680 Ramchandra Kumar Geographical Perspective in the Study of the Impact of Educational Programmes on Tribal Children: A Conceptual Framework
681 Rekha Meena The challenges and opportunities of school management facing the transformation from offline teaching mode to online mode
682 Samiksha Chahar A study on working style of teachers in pre and present time of corona period
683 Samta Sharma A Comparative Study on Aptitude of B.Ed. Trainees towards the Online and Offline Mode of Teaching
684 आलोक कुमार शर्मा वैदिक शिक्षा कार्य प्रणाली की वर्तमान कालखंड में उपादेयता
685 अंजली यादव शिक्षा का अधिकार 2009 एक अध्ययन
686 अविनाश चन्द्र शर्मा पंचायती राज व्यवस्था में सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी का अनुप्रयोग (बीकानेर जिले के विशेष संदर्भ में)
687 लता शर्मा बालिका शिक्षा के विकास में बालिका आवासीय शिक्षण शिविरों की भूमिका
688 नीरु बरेली जनपद के उच्चतर माध्यमिक स्तर पर अध्ययनरत यू0 पी0 बोर्ड तथा सी0 बी0 एस0 ई0 बोर्ड के विद्यार्थियों में हिन्दी विषय के प्रति अभिवृत्ति का अध्ययन
689 रोहिणी केलूत भारत में मानवाधिकारों का एक अध्ययन
690 संत कुमार शाहजहांपुर जिले में उच्च माध्यमिक स्तर के विद्यार्थियों में सांवेगिक सृजनात्मकता का उनके स्वप्रत्यय के संबंध में अध्ययन
691 शारदा देवी कोविड-19 और आधी आबादी- भारत में लैंगिक असमानता के सन्दर्भ में
692 सुनील कुमार नागौर के आवासीय तथा गैर आवासीय विद्यालय के विद्यार्थियों की संवेगात्‍मक बुद्धि का तुलनात्‍मक अध्‍ययन
693 रचना बडोलिया शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण महाविद्यालयों के प्रशिक्षको की कार्यकुशलता व सांवेगिक बुद्धि के मध्य सहसंबंध का अध्ययन
694 रिया गजानन माधव मुक्तिबोध की कविता में सामाजिक युगबोध
695 दलीप सिंह  माध्यमिक स्तर पर अध्ययनरत् किशोर विद्यार्थियों में आत्महत्या की प्रवृति व मानसिक असंतुलन का अध्ययन करना

Chetana is an international educational journal published by Pt. Chakoli Ram Educational and Social Development Society, Dholpur, Rajasthan.  Its first issue, named as CHETANA, was published in 2008-09. It accepted articles, containing any sort of educational issues relating to human life. However, looking to its popularity and a large number of reading clients, since 2016 onwards the journal has been promoted to an international level. Now the journal is known as “Chetana International Journal of Education” and would go on accepting articles from most contributors who highlight some kind of human issues and provide their probable solutions. If such contributions reach the editors at least one month before the publication of the journal they are likely to be accepted. Articles received later on and are worth publication, could be likely to be considered by the editorial board for the next issue. The editorial board has the sole right to accept or reject an article for publication. If an article is found unsuitable, it may be rejected and sent back to the author. The contributors, whose articles are accepted, will always be informed before its publication provided the authors’ addresses, emails, and phone numbers are provided to the editorial board.

All articles or research reports need to be typed in single space in English on 12 pts in Times New Roman font. Although no specific field of writing has been indicated by the editors, yet it is expected that most articles thus submitted should contain the themes relating to the field of education. However, articles relating to self-help or inspirational areas can also be published if found suitable. The contributors would need to pay some small amount of money through the specified bank, in India and abroad if their articles are selected for publication and if they agree for that. It is just needed to cover up various kinds of expenditure involved in publishing an online journal.

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